I’m a software engineer with a background in physics and simulation. These days I work mostly with python in backend, data, analytics, ML/AI. Currently I’m working at Brainpool AI building LLM based apps.

Since a young age I’ve been fascinated by nature with an urge to understand the inner workings of everything. This along with a talent for maths*,* drew me to studying physics, and I got hooked on coding along the way. During undergrad at University of Leeds I learned C for modelling equations. Wanting to go deeper, I did a PhD at Imperial College London involving massive simulations of fluid-particle systems.

At the beach in Nazare, Portugal with my girlfriend.

At the beach in Nazare, Portugal with my girlfriend.

Since then I’ve worked a lot with Python at start-ups with cloud native stacks in the backend, devops, data, ML, and AI space. I love creating solutions end-to-end and have designed, built, and deployed several production grade systems. In all my work, I strive for elegance and optimality, whilst also recognising time constraints, requirements, and the need to just get the job done.

Sunday morning pancakes and chill.

Sunday morning pancakes and chill.

When I’m not working I like to keep active and love being in nature. Climbing is my main sport and hobby, but I also love hiking and have done many long distance treks in places around the world. I’m a big lover of music and have played guitar from a young age - mostly classical and jazz - and in more recent years I’ve been learning the piano. I’m an avid cook too, and I can often be found in the kitchen whipping up some hummus or Sunday morning pancakes - yum!

Whether I’m out climbing at the crag with friends or on a long distance hike, I love being nature: it enriches the soul and is an important reminder that we’re a part of something much greater than ourselves. Collectively we are all the custodians of nature and the environment. It needs to be protected for the future of all life on Earth and for this reason I try to live sustainably and I support several causes working to this end.